After a conversation over dinner about "how your issues could be solved with a little software and hardware," Endeavor Engineering was started in 1997. Our general mission was to enable data and information to flow for clients across the enterprise, from the "plant floor" to the boardroom.
This was the early ".com" days of the Internet where a growing understanding of how computing, communications, engineering, and IT were creating new business opportunities and capabilities. The foundations of ubiquitous connectivity were being laid. They were heady times indeed and filled with possibility but as time passed the lasting solutions and business delivered recognized value in a new way.
Endeavor spent years building data focused solutions for customers. The ideal project included cyber-physical system integration with connectivity and data exchange with the enterprise.
After racking up enough frequent flyer miles to go to the moon and keeping the coffee house baristas gainfully employed, Endeavor Engineering's principles Jim Tillett and Eric Pierce started searching for a way to apply this hard-won knowledge in a new way.
Using their deep background and experience in the power and energy space they experimented with a few ideas and eventually joined with the other founders in 2011 to create Innovari, a company with focus on enabling better Utility interaction with the grid-edge.
“Innovari taught us a lot about how to run a global business and connected solutions needed for the “grid of the future.””
The sign in front of the Endeavor office was changed to Innovari, then six years passed and Innovari demonstrated the value of a more connected world by improving electric grid efficiency. During this time Endeavor Engineering was in capable hands under cruise control and going the speed limit.
And now Connected Intelligence and Data Value …
After enough frequent flyer miles to get to Mars and keeping baristas gainfully employed around the world, Innovari has run it's course. Freshly armed with a wealth of global experience and knowledge, the Endeavor Engineering focus shifted to extending the value of connected intelligence further. "The band" is back together and the mission is to seek out new opportunities and boldly go where no intelligent device has gone before.
The .com era was focused on enabling new ways for people to interact with the digital world. Then the focus moved to connected intelligent "Things," a.k.a. the Internet of Things (IoT) and industrial strength Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
Now we can connect anything to anything, anywhere, and its all getting smaller, more powerful, and cheaper.
Combine it all with rapidly growing advances in AI and we have powerful potential!
However you refer to your Things, cloud or edge, Endeavor Engineering is focused on enabling your imagination to connect them together and create new value. If you are imagining a car we don't just give you a motor and wheels with tools and a manual, we deliver a race care fueled up and ready to go.
These are exciting times and the possibilities are endless but enabling real value is what matters. Please let us know your thoughts through our contact form, your favorite media, or shoot us a message to better understand our path to imagination realized together.